API Error Reference
This is a list of all API Errors that can be returned by the Mirror World API Cluster.
Code | Error | Message |
100000 | ROUTE_NOT_FOUND | Not Found %1$s %2$s |
100001 | EMAIL_NOT_FOUND | We could not find an account with this email address. |
100002 | FAILED_SOCIAL_AUTH | Failed to authenticate user with social auth |
100003 | INVALID_OAUTH_PROVIDER | Invalid Oauth Provider Type Provided. Please use one of Google, Facebook, Apple or Discord. |
100004 | CONFLICTING_AUTHENTICATION_METHODS | Critical error. We found duplicate social provider accounts for this user email. |
100005 | CONFLICTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | An account already exists with this email address. Please login to continue |
100006 | EXPIRED_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_CODE | This verification code has expired. Please request new code and try again |
100007 | INVALID_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_CODE | Invalid verification code. Please use the code sent to your email address |
100008 | VERIFICATION_FOR_EMAIL_IN_PROGRESS | Email verification is already in progress for this email address. Please check your email address to find the verification code to complete signup |
100009 | INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN | Invalid or expired refresh token. Please login again to continue. |
100010 | INVALID_LOGIN_CREDENTIALS | The email or password provided for login are incorrect. Please try again |
100011 | DEVELOPER_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Could not find developer account for this user. Please create developer entity before using developer resources. |
100012 | INVALID_AUTH_TOKEN | The authentication token you provided is either invalid or has expired. Please login to continue |
100013 | NO_AUTH_TOKEN_ERROR | No auth token was provided for authenticated route. |
100014 | INVALID_API_KEY | We could not find the project for the API key your provided. Please check that the API key is provided correctly. |
100015 | TOKEN_LOGIN_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS | Token login session is already in progress for this email address. Please complete the current session before starting a new one |
100016 | FAILED_SESSION_PROOF | The login session token you provided is either invalid or did not pass the proof of identity. Please verify that this is a real token that belongs to the user before proceeding. |
100017 | INCOMPLETE_SESSION_PROOF_ERROR | This session_token has not yet been proven by the user. Please complete authentication and proof of ownership before requesting the user's tokens |
100018 | EXPIRED_SESSION_PROOF | The login session token you provided has expired. Please start a new session to continue logging in. |
100019 | UNAUTHORIZED_APPLICATION_ACCESS | A session can only be issued and completed by the same application. Please ensure that the API keys used to start and complete login session belong to the same project |
100020 | INVALID_PASSCODE | Invalid passcode. The passcode you provided is incorrect. |
100021 | EXPIRED_WALLET_PASSCODE_VERIFICATION | This verification code has expired. Please request new code and try again |
100022 | INVALID_WALLET_PASSCODE_VERIFICATION_CODE | Invalid verification code. Please use the code sent to your email address |
100023 | PENDING_ACTION_NOT_FOUND | Could not find pending user action. Please try again. |
100024 | ACTION_USER_NOT_FOUND | Could not find action user. Please try again. |
100025 | UNAUTHORIZED_DEVELOPER_ACCESS | Forbidden. You are trying to access a developer resource from a project of which you are not a member. |
100026 | REPEAT_PASSWORD_NOT_AGREEMENT | The two passwords are inconsistent, please re-enter. |
100027 | INVALID_ACTION_AUTHORIZATION | The action token you provided is either invalid or has expired. Please request user to approve again. |
100028 | UNAUTHORIZED_ACTION | The action you are trying to perform has not been authorized by the user. |
100029 | ACTION_NOT_FOUND | Could not find an action with the provided uuid for this user. Please try again |
100030 | MPC_WALLET_KEYGEN_FAILED | Failed to create mpc wallet. Please try again |
100031 | PROJECT_NOT_FOUND | Could not find project. Please create project entity before using its resources. |
100031 | INVALID_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | The secret access key provided is no longer valid because it has been invalidated by the owner or has been compromised. Please generate a new token on the developer dashboard. Some helpful resources (1) Generate a secret access key: https://app.mirrorworld.fun (2) Managing Your Secret Access Key: https://docs.mirrorworld.fun/further-reading/security/access-secret-key |
100032 | EXPIRED_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | This secret access key provided has already expired. Please generate a new token on the developer dashboard. Some helpful resources: (1) Generate a secret access key: https://app.mirrorworld.fun (2) Managing Your Secret Access Key: https://docs.mirrorworld.fun/further-reading/security/access-secret-key |
100100 | UNAUTHORIZED_BOT_REQUEST | It looks like you are using a bot to access a protected resource. Access denied. |
100150 | BAD_REQUEST | Bad request |
120001 | REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERROR | Request validation failed |
120002 | NFT_OWNERSHIP_ERROR | User is not the owner of this NFT |
120003 | TRANSACTION_EXECUTION_ERROR | Failed to execute transaction. Please try again. |
120004 | INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE_ERROR | Insufficient balance to process transaction. Wallet: %1$s |
120005 | INSUFFICIENT_TOKEN_BALANCE_ERROR | Insufficient token balance to process transaction. Wallet: %1$s Token: %2$s |
120006 | MARKETPLACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Marketplace does not exist. Marketplace: %1$s |
120007 | REQUEST_ERROR | Problem with request parameters |
120010 | USER_WALLET_ERROR | User can't perform this operation |
120100 | NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Method is not implemented for this network |
120101 | INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_ON_PROJECT | Don't have sufficient permissions to execute action on the project |
120102 | COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND | Collection not found. Collection: %1$s |
120103 | LISTING_ALREADY_EXISTS | Listing with this price already exists. |
120104 | LISTING_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Listing does not exist. |
120105 | BUY_SELF_LISTING | Cannot buy your own listing. |
120106 | NFT_NOT_FOUND | NFT not found. Collection: %1$s Token ID: %2$s |
120107 | ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED | Action not supported. |
666003 | ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED | the wallet account is not initialized. |
666004 | INVALID_MAX_WITHDRAW | invalid max withdraw. |
666005 | INVALID_MIN_WITHDRAW | invalid min withdraw. |
666006 | INVALID_TIMESTAMP | invalid timestamp |
666008 | RPC_NODE_IS_BEHIND | RPC node is behind. Please try again. |
666011 | RPC_CONNECTION_RESET | RPC connection reset. Please try again. |
666009 | BLOCK_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED | Block height exceeded. |
120207 | ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Account not found |
120208 | PROXY_CONTRACT_NOT_SUPPORTED | Contract %1$s doesn't implement Mirrorworld proxy contract |
120208 | TRANSACTION_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT | Transactions block height exceeded limit. Please try again |
200001 | PARAMS_ERROR | Request params validation failed |
200002 | NFT_NOT_EXIST | Nft not exist |
200003 | COLLECTION_NOT_EXIST | Collection not exist |
200004 | OUT_OF_MAX_PAGE | Input page params out of max page |
200005 | PRICE_PARSE_ERROR | Price parse failed |
200100 | METADATE_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR | Server internal error |
666001 | AMOUNT_TOO_LOW_TO_COVER_RENT | amount is too low to cover to_account's rent fee. |
666002 | INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | the wallet balance is insufficient. |
666007 | NO_ENOUGH_BALANCE | no enough balance. |
666010 | ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST | Account not found |
666012 | TOKEN_ACCOUNT_NOT_INTIATED | Token account is not initialized. |
666013 | TOKEN_ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXIST | Token address is already existed. |
666014 | AIRDROP_LIMIT_REACHED | Airdrop limit reached. |
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